[CQ-Contest] Two Single operators, one club call sign

Maarten van Rossum pd2r.maarten at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 06:23:01 PST 2011

Robert and Ron,

Robert, I'm not sure what you mean with *"mist" (sic)* but I guess it's not
much good.

Sometimes some of you people forget that not everybody in the world is a
native English speaker. I do my best to play by the rules and if I'm in
doubt I ask some to help me with it. This is why I posted my question, just
to be sure. I expected some helpful and respectful answers but I guess
I posted my question on the wrong reflector.
By the way, how is your Dutch these days?

If two operators are in the same room of the club station and they both use
a different call sign, then everything is fine. If they use the same call
sign it instantly turns into a M/2 operation even if they have nothing to do
with each other.
That's a way of looking at it and I see now it's the only way to look at it.

Please forgive me that I was so ignorant and failed to interpret the rules
correctly from the start.

John, Thanks for you helpful reply, I appreciate it.

Best 73,
Maarten PD2R

2011/3/4 <w5ov at w5ov.com>

> Yes.
> This is called "Multi-Two" or "Multi-Operator, Two Transmitter".
> Here's what you "mist" (sic):
> 2.3.2.Multioperator, Two Transmitter:
> maximum of two transmitted signals at any given time, on
> different bands.
> transmitter is limited to 6 band changes (maximum) in any
> clock hour. Unused band changes from radio one may not be transferred to
> radio two.
> clock hour is from zero through 59 minutes.
> changes are defined so that, for example, a change from 20
> meters to 40 meters and then back to 20 meters constitutes two band
> changes.
> of the 6-band change rule or improper logging will
> result in an entry reclassification to the Multioperator Multitransmitter
> class.
> transmitters may work any and all stations; the second
> transmitter is not limited to working new multipliers only. However, a
> station may only be worked once per band regardless of which transmitter
> is used.
> of the two transmitters must keep a separate, chronological
> log for the entire contest period.
> Cabrillo log must indicate which transmitter made each QSO in
> this category.
> > Contesters,
> >
> > Just wandering about this one:
> > Is it possible for two single operators, lets say one SO on 40 meter and
> > the
> > other SO on 20 meter, to use the same club call sign during the upcomming
> > ARRL International DX contest?
> > I guess there could be some problems when submitting the logs to the
> > robot.
> > There is a good chance the robot will only use the last uploaded log and
> > disregard the log which was oploaded first since both logs are submitted
> > with the same call sign.
> >
> > Can't find anthing in the rules about this one (yes, I have read all 3(!)
> > sets of rules on the ARRL website;-)) but I could have mist it.
> >
> > Best 73,
> >
> > Maarten PD2R
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > dldledememt
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