[CQ-Contest] Ghost operator of 3V8CB during CQ WPX CW 2010!

Ashraf CHAABANE ash.kf5eyy at gmail.com
Sat Mar 5 01:04:06 PST 2011

Looking at the spots after CQ WW WPX Contest 2010, I was "astonished"
seeing 3V8CB Station QRV on 40.
I still the only local CW Operator in 3V land and I as far as I know,
using CW skimmers is not allowed according the contest rules. So, the
idea that firstly jumped to my mind, that the central club received a
request from a Ham Radio friend to come and activate the station
during the contest. But I quickly saw some spots from 3V8ST guys
saying that "3V8CB...this is a pirate", etc.

It has to be mentioned that 3V8CB is one of 7 radio clubs that belong
to the Tunisian Scouts Organization. 3V8BB is the only station that
belongs to the Academic Institute of Bir El Bay. Both of the stations
are close to each other (2km distance).

There is no possibility to activate a scout station without prior
approval from the central club (located in the Scouts HQ in Tunis).
But, seeing 3V8CB in the cluster was a big surprise to me! So I
directly called my friend Monta 3V8ST and asked him about the story.
He ensured me that no one is operating from 3V8CB and that the station
is closed. Now, the question is; who's using 3V8CB Call??

The answer came later when Monta 3V8ST told me after investigation,
that someone in 3V8BB was using the call.
I immediately wrote to WPX CC and explained them the situation. I also
gave them the contact information of the Central Club to have further
details. I was hoping that the CC will do something to make an end to

Now, 3V8CB log is published among the other logs, as if nothing
happened! 3V8CB call was used by YT3W from 3V8BB QTH on 40. YT1AD was
besides operating on 15 as 3V8BB.

As a young contester trying to make this hobby as much as popular in
my country, I would say that; allowing this to happen won't help... I
keep focus on improving my skills, that's right, but I'm also engaged
in having my country's law applied especially by outsiders... This
shall as well include power limitation (<100W) that still not
respected... ANOTHER call the CCs to ask for 3V licenses and cross
check them with the National Frequencies Agency, at least with top
ranking stations...

Ash ~ 3V8SS/KF5EYY
Phone/SMS: 216 27 51 60 02
Skype: kf5eyy

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