[CQ-Contest] NA RTTY Sprint

Ed Muns w0yk at msn.com
Wed Mar 9 21:29:27 PST 2011

Hank, N8XX, asked:
> Does this mean you waive the rule "CQ and move" for newbies?  
> Seems like this could confuse the op who assumes he/she has 
> the frequency after answering a CQ.

I meant just the opposite.  "CQ and move" for every QSO.

My point is that some people find it intimidating and frustrating to call
CQing stations when there is a pile-up, or "jump ball" as it is sometimes
referred to.  Reading the Sprint rules, one gets the impression that they
must first answer and work a CQing station, then work a second station (that
calls them) before QSYing to another frequency.  In fact, it is completely
within the rules if you work EVERY QSO by first CQing.  The only stipulation
is that you QSY afterward ... 1 kHz to answer someone else's CQ or 5 kHz to
call your own CQ.  To illustrate, the CW Sprint was won one year by a
station who CQ'd for every QSO, never answering anyone else's CQ.

Working the "couplet" of two QSOs on every frequency with the recommended
exchange element order being different for each QSO is a lot to deal with in
the Sprint until you've got some experience with it.  It is much simpler to
find a clear frequency, CQ, work a station, then QSY at least 5 kHz and CQ
again.  Your exchange order is the same each time so you don't have to
remember which exchange to use depending on who is the CQing station.  I
think it is an easier way for newcomers to ease into Sprint.

We need a lot more participation in the RTTY Sprint and one way is to
welcome RTTYers who may not be comfortable with the Sprint format yet.

Ed - W0YK

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