[CQ-Contest] NA RTTY Sprint

David Levine david at levinecentral.com
Thu Mar 10 03:59:03 PST 2011

The rule, as long as I've been in the contest the last couple of years, has
been that:

11. Special QSY Rule: If any station solicits a call (by sending CQ, QRZ?,
"going up 5 kHz," or any other means of soliciting a response, including
completion of a QSO where the frequency was inherited), they are permitted
to work only one station in response to that solicitation. They *must
thereafter move at least 1 kHz before calling another station, or at least 5
kHz before soliciting other calls. *Once a station is required to QSY, that
station is not allowed to make another QSO on the vacated frequency until or
unless at least one subsequent QSO is made on a new frequency.

http://www.ncjweb.com/sprintrules.php?page=2 is where I copied the above
from. Highlighting is mine if it comes through in the reply.

K2DSL - David

On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Hank Greeb <n8xx at arrl.org> wrote:

> Ed:
> Does this mean you waive the rule "CQ and move" for newbies?  Seems like
> this could confuse the op who assumes he/she has the frequency after
> answering a CQ.
> 72/73 de n8xx Hg
> On 3/9/2011 9:47 AM, "Ed Muns" <ed at munsvineyard.com> wrote:
> > -------- Original Message --------
> >
> > Message: 1
> > Date:    Tue, 8 Mar 2011 05:45:35 -0800
> > From:    "Ed Muns" <ed at munsvineyard.com>
> > Subject: [CQ-Contest] NA RTTY Sprint
> > To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> >
> > Make plans to operate the NA RTTY Sprint this coming Saturday (00-04z
> > Sunday, 13 March).  If the sprint format is troublesome or you think
> > you lose too many "jump balls", just find a clear frequency and CQ.
> > The other stations will find you (and, will want your QSO!) without
> > you having to first win a short pileup.  Work a station there, then
> > QSY at least 5 kHz and CQ again.  Once you feel comfortable with this,
> > you can try answering a CQ and then staying on the frequency to work
> > one more station.  Also, as each band gets worked out by stations,
> > everyone will be looking for new ones to work and the pileups will
> > diminish.  Low Power and QRP stations will do fine in amongst the High
> > Power stations with these approaches, especially as bands get worked out.
> >
> > Get together with others an form a team.  It is fun and increases the
> > participation which this short contest needs.  The Sprints are great
> > events to build operating skill.  The QSY format takes some time to
> > get used to, so if you are new to it, just take it slow and progress
> > as described above. Some operators set their two VFOs 10 kHz apart so
> > they can be sure of adhering to the 5 kHz QSY rule by simply swapping
> > VFOs after their "CQ QSO". If nothing else, swapping VFOs leaves your
> > last frequency visible so you can be sure you are 5 kHz away as you
> > tune for a new CQ frequency (or 1 kHz away if you call another CQing
> > station).
> >
> > There will be a practice session on Friday evening, NA time
> > (0230-0300z Saturday, 12 March) for checking out setups and practicing
> > the contest format.  I look forward to seeing lots of new stations
> > participating Saturday!
> >
> > 73,
> > Ed - W0YK
> > NCJ NA RTTY Sprint Manager
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