[CQ-Contest] FT-1000MP and RIGblaster Pro

Robert Brandon rb at austin.rr.com
Tue Mar 15 12:40:43 PDT 2011

The RigBlaster will handle getting the audio from your rig into your
computer and provide some nice isolation that should prevent hum.  

You can run MMTTY to decode.  It's the gold standard for most RTTY
contesters.  http://mmhamsoft.amateur-radio.ca/pages/mmtty.php  Make sure
you set the MARK frequency in MMTTY to match the menu setting 6-2.  That's
the RTTY equivalent of the CW pitch control. On the MP you can choose 2125
Hz (too shrill for my ears) or 1275. 

N1MM and Writelog interface with MMTTY very nicely.  I'd avoid the AFSK
option and instead use a serial port on your computer to send FSK.  "Real"
serial ports are better for FSK than USB serial ports.

AA5AU has some excellent info on his web site.

Be patient -- it sometimes takes a little while to get all the pieces

Robert K5PI

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of KU7Y
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 1:13 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] FT-1000MP and RIGblaster Pro

Hi All,

If there is a better place to ask this please let me know.

I have an MP and was given a good RIGblaster Pro.  I'd like to start doing 
some digi modes.  Would this be a good way to go or is it outdated?

Would I just set it up like the book says or are there "tricks" involved to 
make it work right?

Thanks, and I hope to see you all in the SSB WPX..... yep, me, an old CW guy

will be trying to understand what people are saying on SSB.  Just to add 
more fun I'll be QRP also.

OK, back in my hole,

Ron, KU7Y
SOWP 5545M
Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
Brenda, AZ (Winter)
Caldwell, ID (Summer)
ku7y at qsl.net

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