[CQ-Contest] Throwing the Baby Out With the Bathwater

w7dra at juno.com w7dra at juno.com
Wed Mar 16 11:13:17 PDT 2011

all this discussion about rules makes me want to compete, if you could
call it that............

the hardest thing for me is to determine my frequency. i do have a 3510,
3518 and a 3560 xtal.   i could calibrate my  0-100 logging scale on my
rx to estimate the actual frequency transmitted. there is no spec on the
accuracy of the actual frequency estimated is there? its all an
estimation, even if you use an FT 1000 Mark XXVCCIII mod IV with 65,345
roofing filters (whatever they are)

must have been a year or so since i have even turned on the ol' 80m worm

mike w7dra
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