Jack Brindle jackbrindle at earthlink.net
Thu Mar 17 14:53:30 PDT 2011

Actually it had more than one error. Canadians were rather surprised  
to hear the computer claim that Toronto was in the US.
So were we...

Jack Brindle, W6FB

On Mar 14, 2011, at 10:46 PM, Marijan Miletic, S56A wrote:

> http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/14/science/14poker.html?src=me&ref=science
> I found this story of virtual honesty technologically relevant to  
> our games!
> Robots are not perfect and even IBM supercomputer had a single  
> failure in "Jeopardy" claiming YU instead of S5.
> I wish it was not an error after we broke multinational country of  
> 20M+ to 6+1 DXCC :-(
> CU RDXC with CW bot & WPX SSB from democratic Tunisia with 3 YU ops.
> 73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU
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