[CQ-Contest] CQ WPX SSB

KU7Y ku7y.cw at gmail.com
Sun Mar 27 19:30:26 PDT 2011

Wheeeeeee, it's over!

Log has been sent and info to 3830.  Now to work on getting it to LoTW.

How anyone can understand what people are saying half the time beats me!

But I did learn a lot and had fun.

Thanks to those of you I worked for pulling my little QRP sig out of the 

Guess I will need to do it again next year..... I know I can do better than 
I did this year!

OK, back in my hole,

Ron, KU7Y
SOWP 5545M
Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
Brenda, AZ (Winter)
Caldwell, ID (Summer)
ku7y at qsl.net

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