[CQ-Contest] Headsets w/ mic's

Tom Osborne w7why at frontier.com
Tue Mar 29 10:32:58 PDT 2011

Hi Ron

I use a pair of Radio Shack cordless headphones here and I love them.  I
have a hearing problem and wear hearing aids, and with the RS 'phones, I can
take them out and adjust the volume with the control on the headset.

I have an old boom mic from a Heil headset that I used to use.  I put some
velcro on the the mic and some on the 'phones, and when I want to do SSB, I
just stick the mic on with the velcro.  Works slick.

Now, I need a cordless mic.  I did get some suggestions before on this
subject, but haven't looked into the different ones yet.

I like the cordless 'phones as I can walk all over the north 40 and still
hear the radio.  73

What is a good, inexpensive headset?

I don't do enough SSB to warrant spending the money to buy a good Heil.  The
old Telex that I have has too many problems.... too heavy, hurts the ears
after wearing for a little while, the plug for the cable from the headset to
the rig tries to fall out and etc.  I did have a Heil element that I put in
the mic so it sounds good.  But I would like to replace it.

I need 2 ear pieces, do not need noise canceling as the shack is quiet.  It
will be used with my 1000MP and I might also make an adaptor to use it with
the FT100 while in Idaho also.

Also wondering if anyone uses wireless headsets.....

Any ideas are welcome.

OK, back in my hole,

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