[CQ-Contest] Headsets w/ mic's

Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 06:35:21 PDT 2011

You are quite welcome.  Glad to share.

One change:  After I sent the posting last night, I realized that #14 wire
is probably too light.  Having gotten some rest for my eyes, I can read the
markings on the insulated wire in my "boom" -- 10-ga.  Maybe 12-ga would
work.  Or maybe some adventurous (cheap) op, having only 14-ga wire on hand,
 will twist together a pair of 14-ga and see if that works.

73, Art K3KU

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 1:58 AM, KU7Y <ku7y.cw at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Art,
> Now that's my idea of inexpensive!  I already have a comfortable set of
> phones and a Heil element that I put in that Telex headset.... HC4 if I
> remember right.  And I have the mic plug that I put on that Telex...... all
> I need to do is find a penny!  :-)
> I'll post a list of what people have suggested and how many said which one
> in a couple of days.
> Thanks to every who has offered ideas so far.
> OK, back in my hole,
> Ron, KU7Y
> SOWP 5545M
> Arizona Outlaws Contest Club
> Brenda, AZ (Winter)
> Caldwell, ID (Summer)
> ku7y at qsl.net
> http://www.hatpinsandmore.com

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