[CQ-Contest] So how did you do in the FL QSO Party?

Robert Chudek - K0RC robert.chudek at gmail.com
Sun May 1 20:15:30 PDT 2011

The 2011 Florida QSO Party is now being written into the history books. 
Even with the mediocre propagation, it still appears everyone had a 
pretty good time.

In order to revel in your accomplishments and gain some bragging rights, 
you need to dig some of those impressive stats out of your log. There's 
just the ticket for you. A *Florida QSO Party Log Analyzer*. It's free. 
And you can download your copy from here:


or this direct link:


You will find two Excel workbooks for the Florida event. The first one 
will provide stats for everyone's log. The second workbook is tailored 
specifically for Mobile operators. If you operated mobile, this Log 
Analyzer will reveal your performance on a county-by-county basis.

Like all the workbooks I have developed, you need to copy and paste the 
QSO: lines from your Cabrillo file into the Log1 or Log2 worksheet. and 
execute the Excel "Text to columns" function. After a few moments of 
churning the tables, charts, and graphs will be available for your review.

As always, if you need any help, send me an email. If you have ideas for 
an improvement (or spot a bug), do not hesitate to let me know!

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

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