[CQ-Contest] Russian CEPT-calls in c

Richard DiDonna NN3W richnn3w at verizon.net
Fri May 13 05:08:43 PDT 2011

I understand and recognized from the start that a simple RA masks ones 
location for purposes of DXCC entity locating.

My post was to point out that the US system is not so cut and dry either. 
Why a signing W4/ or W6/ identifies one as a US station, the issue of ITU 
zones and CQ zones are not apparent by the prefix.  As noted earlier a W4 
can be in either zone 4 or 5.  A W7 can be in either zone 3 or 4 (tnx to 
K4BAI for noting that I mentioned W6. It should have been W7).

73 Rich NN3W

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <sm6lrr at gmail.com>
To: <richnn3w at verizon.net>; <Ktfrog007 at aol.com>; <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 2:46 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Russian CEPT-calls in c

> Rich, the issue is not about the uncertainty of which WAZ-zone a CEPT-user 
> in Russia is located in... It is more complicated than that. I could 
> operate from any past of continental Russia with the call RA/ without any 
> indication to you or any other (incl. all logging software) if I am 
> transmitting from any of the three available  DXCC-countries: European 
> Russia, Asiatic Russia or Kaliningrad (UA2). The correct comparison would 
> be if I would operate as W/SM6LRR and have the choice to operate with that 
> call from three US DXCC countries (mainland US, Alaska and Hawaii). In 
> CQWW the zone would help to determine my location, but in WPX? 73 de 
> RA/SM6LRR, Mats
> * Original message *
> From:
> richnn3w at verizon.net
> Sent:
> 23:40:38
> 12-05-2011
> To:
> Ktfrog007 at aol.com
> cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject:
> Re: [CQ-Contest] Russian CEPT-calls in contests
> Erm, but if you are W4/SM6LRR, you could  be in zone 5 or zone 4.  Same 
> with
> W6s
> 73 Rich NN3W
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: <Ktfrog007 at aol.com>
> To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 3:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Russian CEPT-calls in contests
>> Hi,
>> It's interesting that this situation is opposite that in the US.  In  the
>> CQ WW, for example, you cannot tell the zone of a stateside station by 
>> its
>> call.  AB1J could be located anywhere in the lower 48.    However, if
>> was operating here, say as W3/SM6LRR, you would  know his zone
>> immediately.
>> 73,
>> Kermit, AB1J
>> In a message dated 5/12/2011 6:22:32 P.M. GMT Standard Time,
>> sm6lrr at gmail.com writes:
>> Russia  has now signed all papers for CEPT.
>> This is excellent and will simplify  the process of operating from Russia
>> for
>> hams from  CEPT-countries.
>> However, there is one complicating factor I would like  to bring to your
>> attention.
>> Before, my Russian callsign was  R3/SM6LRR. Not an ideal contest call by
>> any
>> means, but contesters are  flexible people and quick learners, so this
>> call
>> does not cause all that  much attention or problem anymore.
>> My NEW call will starting from today  be RA/SM6LRR. Yes - You got it... a
>> call that can be used from anywhere in  a country with 9 time zones. 
>> There
>> is
>> no chance for anyone (including all  existing contest logging software) 
>> to
>> actually know where I am located. I  can either be in European Russia,
>> Asiatic Russia or in Kalingrad  (UA2F/K).
>> In contests with Serial Number exchanges (like CQ-M this  weekend, CQ 
>> WPX,
>> SAC and many others), it is impossible to judge if a RA/  callsign is
>> located
>> in European or Asiatic Russia - or in the enclave  Kaliningrad.
>> A bit confusing, right?
>> Things might change in the  future when the new Russian Callsign and Call
>> Area System has been approved  by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian
>> Federation....
>> But until  further notice; R3/SM6LRR does not exist anymore. RA/SM6LRR
>> will
>> be the new  call, but the location is the same (Moscow Oblast in 
>> European
>> Russia).
>> Have fun - see you in the contests  ;)
>> RA/SM6LRR,  Mats
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