[CQ-Contest] Dayton 2011 contesting summary and Crowne Plaza hotel notes for 2012

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr at k3lr.com
Sun May 22 13:52:53 PDT 2011

Thanks to Ben, AK2X for providing the custom hardware setup and chat
software (specially written by Ben) for the Dayton contest webcam. We
received many nice comments from all over the world. Everyone was very happy
for Ben's hard work to provide this exciting technology. We hope to webcam
more events next year.

Thanks to the professors at Youth CTU last led by Scott W3TX, along with Ben
AK2X, Sarah, AK2D, Mark N5OT and several others. Yuri, VE3DZ and his friend
provided Russian translation assistance for the Skype video conference
between YCTU and young YL CW hams in Russia thanks to Paul, N0AH. It was
exciting to see such awesome enthusiasm from YCTU. All Youth CTU students
attended on full scholarship - thanks to the many supporters of this
program. We also had a special presentation from the TI5N Youth DX team with
a video by N6JRL and others

Contest University could not happen without the hard work and dedication by
Scott, W3TX, Khrystyne, K1SFA, Jerry, K1SO and Dave W9ZRX. The professors at
CTU were outstanding this year. Thanks to W3LPL, K1DG, N0AX, W8WWV, K1VR,
K4ZA, K5ZD N4ZR, W5ZN, W0YK and NC0B all who prepared excellent papers and
hosted lots of Q & A. 220 radio sport enthusiast attended the 10 hour event
last Thursday. http://contestuniversity.com
Many Contest friendly vendors provide support to the CTU program. Thanks to
the CTU Board of Directors K1DG, N9JA and K1AR for their guidance.
Two sessions of CTU (2 hours) were recorded by K4ZW using the PVRC Webinar
program. Ken flew in special for CTU and had to go back to MD just after CTU
ended Major thanks to K4ZW! Please visit the PVRC.org website to access the
recorded CTU Webinar links. 

The Mad River Radio Club, Frankford Radio Club and North Coast Contesters
hosted the Contest Super Suite for the 22nd straight year.

K8CC from the Mad River Radio Club, K3WW from the Frankford Radio Club and
K3LR from North Coast Contesters hosted the pizza party Thursday night.
The Frankford Radio Club and Yankee Clipper Contest Club hosted the two
weekend pizza parties in the Super Suite. 
93 Pizzas and 300 QSL wings were consumed over all 4 nights - lots of

The 2011 Antenna forum awesome presentations from K4IQJ, ON4UN, W8VVG and
K9LA will be posted later this week thanks to hosting from N5KO and help
from K5TR. Watch http://www.k3lr.com for links.

The TopBand Dinner was hosted by George, K8GG and George, W8UVZ. 160 (yes,
that's right!) TopBand enthusiasts and many wives attended this event. There
were presentations on VP8ORK by VE3EJ and low cost receiving antennas by
K3LR. These slide shows will be available for download from the
http://topBanddinner.com web site around June 1.

The Spurious Emission Band led by Ward, N0AX had a big audience Friday
night. This was their 2nd year providing live band entertainment. Look for
recorded links to be posted soon on http://contestsupersuite.com

The Contest forum had a packed house Saturday afternoon. Led by K1DG,
presentations were made by W0CG (PJ2DX), K5ZD, W2SC, W5WZ and N4ZR. They
were all excellent.

Scott, K0DQ presented a very inspirational talk last night at the 19th
Annual Dayton Contest Dinner to the 420 who attended. The dinner was hosted
by North Coast Contesters. We were honored to have special guest Ed, N4OC

Congratulations to John, VE3EJ on his induction into the CQ Contest Hall of
Fame - presented by the CQ WorldWide Contest Director, Bob, K3EST.

Thanks to many supporting vendors for the 100+ door prizes that were donated
and given away last night at the Contest Dinner.
The main prize was an Icom 7000 courtesy of Icom America. It was won by
Rich, KL7RA from Alaska.
Array Solutions (WX0B and W5OV) donated a significant number of expensive
prizes. Thanks to all of the vendors!

K1AR (recently retired CQ Contest Column editor) received the Contest Dinner
Special Achievement Award for his service of over 21 years writing the CQ
Contest Column.

The 8 page Contest Dinner programs were provided by Lee, K7NM of
www.photoqsls.com - the program will be posted to the
http://contestdinner.com website soon.

Thanks to Scott, KA9FOX of QTH.com for maintaining and hosting the four
Dayton Contest web sites.

North Coast Contesters has negotiated a "block rate" for all rooms at the
Crowne Plaza for 2012. The Crowne Plaza is undergoing a renovation that will
be completed by October. The final booking details for next May are being
finalized at this time. It is our desire to help provide a low hassle -
reasonable cost way to stay at the "Contest" hotel next year. Watch here for
directions on how to reserve your room for 2012 which will be posted within
the next few weeks.

Hope you can join us in 2012 for exciting Dayton Contesting activities!

Tim K3LR 

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