[CQ-Contest] Poisson d'Avril Winners Announced

Doug Grant dougk1dg at gmail.com
Tue May 24 07:05:41 PDT 2011

Congratulations to Team Radioware (W1MD, K1QX, and K1XX) for winning
the 2011 Poisson d'Avril Contest.

Full details at     poissondavril.webs.com

Honorable mention goes to K1EP, for highest single-op score and for
being a good sport when he got kind of snookered on the whole deal
(the fix was already in, but he kept bidding).

He doesn't win a trophy, but I promise a laurel and hearty handshake
next time I see him.

And thanks to KA9FOX of QTH.COM Web Hosting for the one-of-a-kind
trophy (someone took a picture of it, and maybe they'll post a link or
send me a copy).


Doug K1DG
Winner, 2012 Pd'A Contest

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