[CQ-Contest] newbie question about split operating

Radio K0HB kzerohb at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 18:30:27 PDT 2011

This is quite a common contest protocol on 40M, stemming from the days when
Region I and III were limited to 7.0 to 7.1 MHz, preventing simplex voice
comms between Region II and stations in the other two regions.

He was listening on both his transmit QRG and the second QRG (7.033) for
responses to his CQ.

73, de Hans, K0HB

-----Original Message----- 
From: Scott
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 7:48 PM
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] newbie question about split operating

Hi all;
I was enjoying the CQWW-SSB contest and I heard a station working split (I
think!).  This is the first radio I have owned that would work split and so
I have never used that technique even though I knew what it was from reading
about it.  The bands got a little dead on 40m so I figured that I would try
to understand what this operator was doing and learn something new, but I
couldn't figure it out--thus the question.

The operator was on 7.128.30 (on my dial) and kept saying (exact words)
"this frequency and 'seven zero three three'".  Now, I know enough to know
this means that he was listening on this "other" frequency and transmitting
on the one I gave, but I couldn't find it.  (Someone might even know who he
is just from the freq., but I didn't put the call in my log and it is not
I tried adding 0.7033, 7.033 and 70.33 but I couldn't find anyone calling
him even by just tuning up and down from this freq and listening.  Since he
had a really good strong signal I figured that he might be trying to contact
some DX stations in a country that could transmit SSB at 7.033MHz (CW band)
and that way keep low-point U.S. stations from calling him, but there was
nothing on SSB there that I could hear either.

The question is, what was he doing?  By saying only "seven zero three three"
he lost me-- 'up 7.033' would seem clearer, but that is not what I heard
during the time I listened to him.

Thanks for any thoughts, and, if I worked you during the contest, thanks for
being so patient with a nervous newbie!

Scott AA0AA


Correo/ Mail
Dr. Scott Monks
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH)
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB)
Apdo. Postal 1-69
Pachuca, C.P. 42001
Hidalgo, México.

Mensajería/ Courier
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH)
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CIB)
Ciudad Universitaria, Carretera Pachuca-Tulancingo Km. 4.5 S/n
Pachuca  C.P. 42184
Hidalgo, México

[Tel 01(771)717-2000 Ext. 6658, 6640]  [Fax 01(771)717-2112]

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