Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at gmail.com
Mon Nov 7 13:44:05 PST 2011

>  When I'm running a
> frequency I consider it to be my obligation to get everyone on their way
> as soon as possible, which just happens to maximize my rate as well.
> That typically requires me to send my callsign often, but not
> necessarily every QSO.
> Dave  AB7E

I would like to second Dave's statement. I think the decision whether to 
give your call sign after every qso or not, should depend on the situation. 
When pile up is small I tend to give out my call sign after every QSO. But 
when a lot of stations calling then giving your call every QSO seems to be 
counterproductive. For me this is just one of the methods of pileup 
management. When I give my call I attract more stations calling. That does 
not allow me to pick up weak stations in the pile up that I know were 
waiting for a log time. I often can hear them but cannot get the complete 
call sign because of the stronger callers. I am trying to be fair and 
organize sort of a queue. Giving out call sign every QSO brings new big 
signals that  jump over the queue. Besides pile up becomes more difficult to 
manage. When pile up starts to dry out I start to give my call sign more 
often. I think it is pretty good practice because I have tested it from the 
both sides of pileup. Suppose I hear some 9Y4  on 160m band and he works US 
stations one by one. If he IDes every QSO and attract new callers I usually 
have no chance to be heard because US stations are 30 db louder there then I 
am. If that 9Y4 allow pileup to dry from time to time my chances  to get 
through are becoming much better.

73, Igor UA9CDC 

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