[CQ-Contest] Cheerleading

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Tue Nov 8 10:10:34 PST 2011

Busted calls and mis-copied calls are not the problem of the skimmers or 
the sysops.  Do you realize how many busted non skimmer spots there are 
on a daily basis?

If you use the spotting network, it is YOUR responsibility to determine 
which station YOU are calling and not rely solely on the spotting network.

If my son and I decide to operate seriously with his call that has never 
been in a contest we should be penalized and not have our spots shown on 
the network?  This sounds like a good ole boy cheerleader network to me.

The skimmer network does a really good job.  One of the sysops did some 
checking and found the error rate was very very low.  Well below what he 

If you don't like skimmer spots simply turn them off.  Same goes for the 
packet network.

Skimmers provide instant propagation reports from your qth to DX 
locations.  It also allows you to test antennas and see how each is 
performing to a particular area with instant results.  No more having to 
ask people the difference between A and B and hope you are getting good 
data back.

Mike W0MU

J6M CQ WW DX CW Contest 2011
J6/W0MU November 21 - December 1 2011
W0MU-1 CC Cluster w0mu.net

On 11/8/2011 5:28 AM, Barry N1EU wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 6:18 PM, Barry<w2up at comcast.net>  wrote:
>> The skimmers suck.  In SS, I'd estimate 50% busted calls and this is
>> perfect, computer sent CW.
> I know the sysops have decided not to do callsign validation (against
> the contest callsign database) of the skimmer spots before putting
> them out on the RBN network  but I'd rethink that decision during
> major contest periods.  The vast majority of running stations are
> going to be in that database.  The benefit of cleaning up many of
> those busted calls far outweighs the risk of losing a few genuine
> cq'ers who must be new to the game and thus not in the database.
> Barry N1EU
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