[CQ-Contest] encourgaing more entrants in CQWW (was CHECK LOGS)

Ward Silver hwardsil at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 09:47:30 PST 2011

> However, there is a very real danger of unintended consequences.

Absolutely - whenever a competitive category is created, expect the competitors to enter it.  Randy is spot on about consequences which are likely enough for a sponsor to avoid them.  Proceed with caution.

Try a couple of alternatives - operating time can be posted on the 3830 posting and "harvested" from those totals.  Sponsor your own contest-within-a-contest and use claimed scores or log-checked scores to find the winners.  Another option would be to create an analyzer program (spreadsheet or otherwise) and post your best score calculated over some contiguous time span - best hour, best 12 hours, best 24 hours, whatever.

Spending that competitive energy finding ways to attract new contesters would probably be even better - a "Rookie Sprint" during a big contest, maybe?

And don't forget the Dec 18th ARRL CW Rookie Roundup...there's a great "club project" to help those new to CW get up to speed and try it out.

73, Ward N0AX

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