[CQ-Contest] encourgaing more entrants in CQWW (was CHECK LOGS)

Barry w2up at comcast.net
Fri Nov 25 13:37:15 PST 2011

If there were a limited category and many or most of the current 
full-time ops cut back, that tells you something right there - that the 
48h category has outlived its usefulness as the contest community ages, 
people have other things to do (on a holiday weekend), etc.

The only way to find out for sure is thry it for a year or two and see 
what happens.

Barry W2UP.

On 11/25/2011 7:48 AM, Randy Thompson K5ZD wrote:
> I believe there is a place for time limited categories in contesting.  It
> would increase participation and activity among some people if they had an
> outlet for their competitive spirit even though they could not devote the
> full weekend to a contest.
> However, there is a very real danger of unintended consequences.  Whatever
> time limit is set, there will be some people who operate more to maximize
> their time under the limit.  There will be other people who operate less
> because they would prefer to compete within the time limit.  It is uncertain
> whether this would result in a net gain or net loss of total QSOs, but it
> seems counterproductive to have any rule encourages less activity.  (Yes,
> there are contests with off time requirements that do just that, but they
> apply to everyone.)
> If we had a time limited category, it would tend to drive activity to the
> already high activity periods.  It would tend to discourage activity in the
> slow times.  Not helpful.
> No good answer.  Just pointing out the challenge of creating a competition
> around a limit.
> Randy, K5ZD
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:cq-contest-
>> bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jack Haverty
>> Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 6:22 AM
>> To: kr2q at optimum.net
>> Cc: cq-contest at contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] encourgaing more entrants in CQWW (was CHECK
>> LOGS)
>> Interesting data.  I wonder what it would look like for the whole data set
>> including people who don't submit logs.  I suspect it would be even more
>> skewed toward smaller hours.
>> Actually, I think there's a way to "experiment" with time-based
>> competition without changing anything in the rules, creating new entry
>> categories, etc.  It could be done by the organizers of virtually any
>> contest.
>> Essentially it creates multiple simultaneous competitions within a single
>> contest simply by inventing additional ways to compute scores.
>> Suggestion to contest organizers:
>> When results are published, in every place where there is a "Top N", or
>> "1st/2nd/3rd" or any other such table of high-score ranking results,
>> publish not only the full-period endurance/marathon leaders, but also the
>> short "sprint" leaders.  E.G., if "10-hour" and "24-hour" contesters seem
>> like good "buckets" from historical log data, rank the entrants by the
>> scores they achieved at the end of the first 10 and 24 hours, and include
>> the Top N in the results.  So, in a nominal 48-hour contest there might be
>> three "Top Ten" lists - perhaps one for 48 hours, one for 24, and one for
>> 8.
>> Somewhat harder would be to analyze each log and extract the "Best 10
>> Hour"
>> (or whatever period) score - i.e., the highest score attained as if the
>> contest had occurred only in any 10 Hour period in the entrant's log.
>> That could take considerable analysis, but computers are good at that kind
>> of stuff.
>> Actually, this kind of results analysis could even be done on contests
>> that have already happened, by taking the old logs and running them
>> through the time-based algorithm.
>> Who were the Top Ten 10-Hour and 24-Hour entrants in the 2011 contests????
>> 2010?  2009.....?
>> Of course, if such results were published, maybe more people would be
>> enticed to compete next time.  No doubt it would mean a change in strategy
>> too if you strive to win the 10-Hour competition.    Maybe people who have
>> given up on competing in the endurance test would be enticed to try a
>> "full effort" for a shorter time, and get into the fray.
>> 73,
>> /Jack de K3FIV
>> Point Arena, CA
>> On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 11:07 AM,<kr2q at optimum.net>  wrote:
>>> It is great to see interest in creating more entrants in the CQWW
>>> contests...
>>> THANKS for the input!
>>> Just as an FYI, here is some data for 2011 SSB (so far).  These are
>>> e-logs, which means that paper logs are not yet included in the
>>> analysis below.  I did this in Excel, so I hope the columns come out
>>> reasonably close to being legible reformatting to this "typewriter"
>>> format (OK, DOS or character-based format).
>>> duration                            Pct of all logs              Count
>>> ?                                               0.9%
>> 63
>>> <  1 hr                                        6.1%                   430
>>> 1 - 9.9 hours                             47.5%                  3357
>>> 10 - 23.9 hours                          32.1%                  2270
>>> 24 - 35.9 hours                           7.5%                    533
>>> 36 - 39.9 hours                           2.0%                    138
>>> 40 - 43.9 hours                           1.5%                    108
>>> 44+ hours                                  2.3%                    164
>>> So out of these 7000+ logs, so far, 1663 will qualify for an award.
>>> Not "be eligible," but actually get an award.  Pretty good odds and
>>> clearly far beyond the "boundaries" of "operate at least 24 hours!"
>>> In fact 1163 of the 1663 will go to entrants with less than 24 hours
>>> (yes, that includes all categories of entry).
>>> Hope you find this informative, if not interesting.
>>> de Doug KR2Q
>>> PS  There is nothing "special" about these categories, I just made them
>> up.
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Barry Kutner, W2UP             Lakewood, CO

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