[CQ-Contest] QSRe: Contest-Free Zones was: Re: Record Number of SAC CW Logs -- Now Grab YourMicrophones!

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 21:16:19 PDT 2011

I sure second that. In fact even the given list of contest can be shortened. 
For example there is plenty of unused space on 20m band in UA9 during ARRL. 
I recon the same id true for RDXC in NA. Why don't we require "ragchew and 
DXing free zones" in between the weekends?

73, Igor UA9CDC
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richard DiDonna NN3W" <richnn3w at verizon.net>
To: "Hank Garretson" <w6sx at arrl.net>; "Ted Bryant" <W4NZ at comcast.net>
Cc: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 6:25 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] QSRe: Contest-Free Zones was: Re: Record Number of SAC 
CW Logs -- Now Grab YourMicrophones!

> Hank has a valid point....
> I've argued this topic on QRZ.com (countless times) and in a letter which
> was published in QST.
> When we're talking about wall-to-wall contest activity, we're really 
> talking
> about 6 contests: ARRL DX, WPX, RDXC, IARU, CQWW and SS (maybe, WAE). If 
> we
> look - theoretically - at 20 meter SSB - you can bet that the frequency
> range from 14.112 to 14.350 will be filled during these events.  This
> happens on 10 out of 104 weekend days out of a year.  That is less than 
> 10%
> of all weekend time.
> The remaining 90% of the weekends have ample spectrum for SSB users on 20
> SSB.  Even where you have events like the IOTA, the NAQP, the myriad state
> QSO parties or national/regional contests (like SAC or All Asia), the
> loading on the band segment is such that there is ample free space for
> non-contest activities.  In NAQP for example, you rarely hear activity 
> below
> 14.175 and rarely, if ever, above 14.300.
> Irrespective of the loads that borne by 20 meter SSB during one of the
> Big-Six contests, the fact remains that there are significant swaths of
> usable amateur spectrum that are contest free.  20 meter CW is contest 
> free
> during ARRL DX SSB; 15 meter CW is contest free during ARRL DX CW; 20 
> meter
> SSB is contest free during ARRL DX CW.  And, as noted by folks like N3KHK,
> the WARC bands are contest free 24/7, 365 days a year.  For the TWO major
> contests which are dual mode contests (IARU and RDXC), they are 24 hours 
> in
> duration and the remaining 24 weekend hours are contest free in toto.
> The fact of the matter is that the complaining you hear comes primarily 
> from
> people who 1) don't play nice in general, 2) have stpck equipment which 
> does
> not lend itself to filtering adjacent QRM (even if the"QRM" is 2.4 KHz
> away), 3) don't use the bands except for rare instances, and, 4) and 
> demand
> that everybody else acquiesce to their wants and demands whenever they see
> fit.
> 73 Rich NN3W
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Hank Garretson" <w6sx at arrl.net>
> To: "Ted Bryant" <W4NZ at comcast.net>
> Cc: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 12:42 AM
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Contest-Free Zones was: Re: Record Number of SAC
> CW Logs -- Now Grab YourMicrophones!
>> The problem with "contest-free" zones is that non-contesters never seem 
>> to
>>> know where they are.
>>> 73, Ted W4NZ
>> An additional problem with "contest-free" zones is that non-contesters
>> want
>> the zones to include all frequencies, all bands.
>> 73,
>> Hank, W6SX
>> Mammoth Lakes, California
>> Elevation 8083 feet in John Muir's Range of Light
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