[CQ-Contest] How blatant can you get?

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Fri Oct 14 06:09:11 PDT 2011

On 10/13/2011 10:06 PM, Ken Widelitz wrote:
> The ONLY way to prove illegal power is to be in the shack, or be in the near
> field of the station with a measuring device. If this is done by a member of
> the CQWW committee nothing more need be done. There is a witness with
> credibility.
> If a non-committee member had a camera and was in the shack or near field of
> the station and could document the violation, would that be enough for the
> committee to issue a red card?

Even that isn't enough. When EF8M posted a YouTube of their operation a few 
years ago, there were several "accidental" shots of their WaveNode wattmeters in 
action. One shot showed power being split into two antennas, with 4500+ watts 
going into each antenna. That YouTube was up for a few days before it was removed.

Impact on EF8M ? None.

Steve, N2IC

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