[CQ-Contest] How blatant can you get?

Andy V. Melanyin ua3dpx at mail.ru
Fri Oct 14 11:13:37 PDT 2011

The other not very little problem is not only power but pushing all the 
driving knobs to maximum values (proc, drive, mic gaine). At some stations 
you can hear everything besides the operator voice ...
73! Andy UA3DPX/RM3F
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mats Strandberg" <sm6lrr at gmail.com>
To: <k5zd at charter.net>
Cc: <e73m at e73m.com>; <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2011 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] How blatant can you get?

> Randy,
> I agree that local groups, individuals or national associations could and
> should support Contest Committees in solving such issues, but the overall
> responsibility definitely must be on the organizers themselves.
> Nobody would be happier than me if we did not need to discuss issues like
> Power Cheating on reflectors. I would have enjoyed contesting tremendously
> if all competitiors by own initiative understood how exciting contesting 
> can
> be obeying ALL rules.
> It is very important that the expression "Zero Tolerance Against Cheating"
> is followed. There are too many discussions going on that adds flexibility
> also within the organizations. I have heard too much talks also from
> committee members that they do not see such big problems with power
> cheating, because 3 kW instead of 1 or 1.5 kW only adds just a few dB and
> they "can live with that"...  Also reference to the past that cheating has
> always taken place, seems to be a justification why we should look between
> the fingers.
> If we do not get a grip on the existing power cheating, contesting will 
> not
> be a very attractive sport in years to come.
> The contest committees themselves must also of course make sure that ALL
> committee members realize the full meaning of expression Zero Tolerance 
> and
> follow not only Assisted-rules but also Power-rules. "Responsible 
> operation
> of an amplifier" means:  Not to exceed the power limitations of the 
> contest
> and nothing else...
> If organizers are not capable of handling Power Cheating, I can see a 
> future
> where new associations/clubs are founded with focus on Fair Play 
> Radiosport.
> Perhaps in the beginning, such groups will be considered a bit odd, but 
> the
> more people realize the serious situation with Power cheating, the more
> support such groups will get and we can perhaps clean contesting from the
> inside.
> 73 de RA/SM6LRR, Mats
> 2011/10/14 Randy Thompson K5ZD <k5zd at charter.net>
>> Why must the responsibility always be on the Contest Committee many
>> thousands of miles away?  Who will be the first local group to stand up 
>> to
>> the cheaters in their midst both directly, face to face, and by reporting
>> them to the contest sponsors?  What are you afraid of?
>> Randy, K5ZD
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:cq-contest-
>> > bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Mats Strandberg
>> > Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 12:42 PM
>> > To: e73m at e73m.com
>> > Cc: cq-contest at contesting.com
>> > Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] How blatant can you get?
>> >
>> > This is what I intended to express...
>> >
>> > The power cheating is the big CHALLENGE of the present and future
>> > contesting. WHO will be the first organizer deciding not to be an
>> ostridge
>> > concerning Power cheating?
>> >
>> > 73 de SM6LRR, Mats
>> >
>> >
>> > 2011/10/13 <e73m at e73m.com>
>> >
>> > > Good question,
>> > >
>> > > How blatant can you get?
>> > >
>> > > Well, I will try again to bump the debate.
>> > >
>> > >  It is not fault of sellers but users who buy them and then drive 
>> > > them
>> > > "responsibly".
>> > > PVRC webinar from last Sunday, see at
>> > > http://pvrc.org/webinar/cqww_2011.wmv , addressed issue of power and
>> > > all I can get from those in charge of CQWW CC is :"be responsible and
>> > fair".
>> > > Another interesting thing was coined from K1DG and mentioned at
>> > > webinar is SSSS (See Something, Say Something), related to 9/11 
>> > > events
>> > > and translated into contesting.
>> > >
>> > > Does CC wants us to be alert for big amps and report it to them? If 
>> > > we
>> > > need to police contesters with links to sites showing blatantly their
>> > > big amps (even stacked one above another with air vents moved on the
>> > > side) , then why we need CC?
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > This coming CQ WW phone I will do only 100w and I invite CC to 
>> > > appoint
>> > > observer to come and check my power during the contest. Hope some 
>> > > will
>> > > follow my footsteps and say the same but I really doubt.
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >   73 Danny E73M,
>> > > http://www.e73m.com
>> > >
>> > > How blatant can you get?
>> > > On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 15:53:08 -0700, David Gilbert wrote:
>> > > > Check out this advertisement for a Henry 8K-Ultra from W7RF's
>> > > > Radiodan website ( http://www.radiodan.com/Henry/hf_price98.htm )
>> > > >
>> > > > <quote>
>> > > > Beautiful condition and ready for the contest season! You know 
>> > > > those
>> > > > BIG signals coming from Europe on 160 and 80? Want to know what 
>> > > > they
>> > > > use?
>> > > > Yep, a Henry 8K.
>> > > > And that's what you need for yourself to get through the noise.
>> > > > Rated 5KW output (conservative)
>> > > > Remote control with 20 foot cable
>> > > > 240 VAC single phase
>> > > > 30 day warranty
>> > > > 8 presets
>> > > > in service up until recently and ready for contest season!
>> > > > Checked and tested by Henry factory less than 1 year ago </quote>
>> > > >
>> > > >
>> > > > 73,
>> > > > Dave   AB7E
>> > > >
>> > > >
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>> > >
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