[CQ-Contest] Apologies for alleged evidence of power cheating

Collins, Graham CollinG at navcanada.ca
Mon Oct 17 04:50:41 PDT 2011


It takes a person of great character to stand up and speak out when they feel something is not right when others are not willing to do so.

It takes a person of even greater character to stand up and admit that they have erred and to apologize.

Cheers es 73, Graham ve3gtc

-----Original Message-----
From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of e73m at e73m.com
Sent: October 16, 2011 17:19
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Apologies for alleged evidence of power cheating

I would like to publicly apologize to Sergio, PP5JR aka ZX5J for 
accusing him of power cheating based on his great video presentation 
posted on youtube.com in 2008 (btw great antennas).

Presentation could be seen here 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AZ1l37206M and if you skip to time 
4:40min you will here explanation of great antenna system for 15m 
consisting of four antennas in four direction and capability to drive 
four amplifiers with just one radio using special splitter.

In private corespodence with one of members of CQWW Contest committee, 
very active on this reflector, I was corrected about following:

1.PP5JR is not member of contest committee but only "DX advisor", 
apparently and I qoute:" As a DX advisor, he is asked for opinions from 
time to time on the wording of rules etc. to get international input - 
nothing more."

2.Other DX advisors, even http://www.cqww.com/contact.php states all of 
them as committee members, are: DL6RAI F6BEE G3SXW JE1CKA LY3BA LZ2CJ 

3.There is nothing in the video that the CQWW Contest committee should 
respond to.

4.There is nothing ignorant about requiring proof that PP5JR used these 
4 amplifiers in a way that violated the rules.


5.The truth is there is no way to provide proof that another station 
has run more than legal power unless you were at the station during the 
contest and measured it yourself. All other opinions do not matter.

So again, my apologies to Sergio PP5JR and all of you other guys having 
same setup as him for even thinking that you have cheated without any 

As we all know those special splitters and multiple amplifiers, capable 
of lot more then 1500w, are not proof of power cheating.
I should not have any doubt that you will make sure your total power 
will be not more then 1500 Watts combined from all amplifiers.

Again, I invite any designated observer by contest committee to visit 
me during any contest and check the power and operation in general. I 
hope and expect that at least one of these stations with multiple amps 
and directions will offer the same. You got nothing to lose or...

I wish you all luck in coming CQWW phone contest.

73 Danny Horvat E73M

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