[CQ-Contest] CQ WW CW 2010 Results

Zrinko Zibert ve3zik at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 31 08:35:52 PDT 2011

Hi all,

as I see, the results are now offilcialy on CQ WW Website (2 weeks ago
links was was posted od NS3T's WEB site).

Still have a question:

if we have 24 NEW Categories (SO 10/15/20/40/80/160 Asisted HP/LP/QRP) and
Contest Committee insist to make a difference between assisted and
non-assisted, why there is no result, at least on the WEB? I can imagine
there is no place in paper issue of CQ Magazine, but there is more then
enough place on the WEB...
What is the purpose of the new categories if there is no possibility to see
own score? I am not the only one, sure there are lot of HAM like myself,
and they are still waiting for their results.
 I know my result is listed in all results for Germany (I was QRV as DD4B),
I know which place I took on 20m (thanks K3EST), but still have an opinion
that all results must be published.
Otherwise I see no purpose to be active in SOSB(A) Category.

73, Zrinko (Zik) DK8ZZ, VE3ZIK, YT3ZZ

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