[CQ-Contest] RSGB 160m Contest -- November
Chairman, RSGB Contest Committee
g3sqx at edtaylor.org
Fri Sep 2 04:12:45 PDT 2011
The RSGB Contest Committee runs a short 160m CW contest each November,
which has become very popular over the years. We have made a change
this year, so that instead of a "UK works the world" format, this is now
"Europe works the world". This is designed to increase the interest
level and to improve participation. The new rules are at:
A quick summary:
19-20 November 2011, 21:00 - 01:00 UTC
1810-1870kHz. CW only.
Send: RST + Serial number. UK stations also send a 2-letter District Code
Score 2 points per contact, plus 5 points for each new DXCC Country, and
5 points for each new UK District
Please give this new version of the contest a try, and get the news out
to other 160m enthusiasts.
Ed Taylor, GW3SQX
Chairman, RSGB Contest Committee
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