[CQ-Contest] Reminder: Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW

Kim Östman kim.ostman at tut.fi
Fri Sep 16 08:36:24 PDT 2011

Busy this weekend? Here's a good excuse to relax
instead. Whether you were going to shovel snow, 
repair the surf board, or get a tan, get inside. 
Sunspots are at a C24 record, and who cares about a CME.

So come and listen to the Arctic CW flutter of the big 
guns and small pistols in the Polar Battle, and say 
hello to each one that you meet. They're out in force
this time. In their languages, you say "599 001", with 
the latter number increasing by one for each encounter! 

Scandinavian Activity Contest 
CW 17.-18.9., SSB 8.-9.10., 12z-12z


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