[CQ-Contest] Ekletech remote knob

Katsuhiro Kondou kondou at voyackey.net
Fri Apr 6 08:13:13 PDT 2012

In article <CALHj_b-LY+AWhs8sx6wUtHqHDW=CwiEWFR2nV8HcPqq2dj79Gw at mail.gmail.com>,
	Barry N1EU <n1eu.barry at gmail.com> wrote,
	on "Wed, 4 Apr 2012 19:46:31 +0000";

} Here you go:
} http://n1eu.com/ekletech.jpg

Thanks, Barry and VE4XT.  Now I found how it looks like.

Here is the link of my home-brew remote VFO knob just for reference.
The image quality of the video is not so good, but I hope you will
be able to understand what I am trying to do.

Katsuhiro "Don" Kondou, JH5GHM

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