[CQ-Contest] Remote contesting Questions

w5ov at w5ov.com w5ov at w5ov.com
Thu Apr 12 08:35:44 PDT 2012

You cite "traditionally" as a reason to refute Mike's assertion.

Didn't we traditionally use paper logs too?

Seriously, where do you draw the line of demarcation to what is embraced
as a new development and forbidden because it varies from tradition?

To me, the only thing that matters is where is the *radio*
(receiver/transmitter or transceiver and antennas etc)is (are) located. If
the operator is elsewhere, aside from this being a fact, what difference
does it make to the communications taking place through the radio?

Aside from it being a hindrance to the operator to have to deal with
latency and other technological issues, I see nothing that would impact
those who he communicates with in any way.

Again, aside from the fact that the operator would be located elsewhere,
what difference does it make?


Bob W5OV

>>-----Original Message-----
>>Is it ok for me to have a K3/0,  simply a front end that give me every
>>feature on my K3, on my kitchen table and the rest of my equipment in my
>>shack 100 ft away?  If it is ok is it ok if my station were located on
>>in another country?  If not why and what exactly is the difference.
> **** You answered your own question ... the station is in a different
> country.  Traditionally the operator was in the same country as was the
> station.
>>If it is not fair to have a remote station in preferred DX contesting
>>location then why is it fair for people to build and rent out stations
>>at those same locations?  Why would remote operation be unfair?
> **** Those two thoughts are completely unrelated and you try and group
> them
> together.  Desperate measures to justify your position.  And I repeat;
> traditionally the operator was in the same country/entity as was the
> station.  That made DXing and DXpeditions an exciting adventure.
> Doug
>>Feel free to add on other pertinent questions.
>>-- Mike W0MU W0MU-1 CC Cluster w0mu.net
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