[CQ-Contest] Could Advertising Return Full Contest Score Listings to QST?

Steve London n2icarrl at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 08:25:48 PDT 2012

Full line scores for all ARRL contests are already available on-line. No need to 
wait for the digital edition.

Go to http://www.arrl.org/contest-results-articles , select your favorite 
contest, and select "Printable Line Scores".

Steve, N2IC

On 04/13/2012 05:17 AM, jpescatore at aol.com wrote:
> I guess it has been about 10 years since QST made the decision to remove full
> contest score listings from QST - and I still miss them. CQ magazine still
> does so and I greatly enjoy looking through the full scores to compare my
> score against others I feel I compete against.
> However, I understand that the typical 6-8 pages of contest line scores cost
> money and a relatively small percentage of readers ever express interest. But
> if there were some advertisers willing to place ads, would QST consider
> including full line scores for the major contests?
> My check of May QST shows 170 total pages and about 90 pages of ads - let's
> call it one page of ads per page of content. If 6-8 pages of ads could be
> sold, would QST be financially able to include the line scores?
> NCJ does this for the Sprints and NA QPs - that is one of the major reasons I
> subscribe to NCJ. If adding those pages to QST is not acceptable, could in be
> done in NCJ?
> I guess another alternative is the coming digital version of QST - since
> pages are cheaper in the e-magazine world, will the digital version of QST
> carry full line scores for contests?
> 73, John K3TN
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