[CQ-Contest] Remote Control in Contests
Mats Strandberg
sm6lrr at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 21:38:59 PDT 2012
Thanks for support. Now I know there is at least one other ham out
there with open eyes for how to improve contesting, instead of baking
and throwing the biggest pie :) Others still seem to search for
arguments for and against remote operation. Quite primitive approach I
must admit. Remote has a place in the hobby and I would be glad to use
it from my Russian summer house, provided that internet at that
location was fast enough. However, from my personal point of view,
working remote from another country would not suit my standards- but
all respect for those who think this is one possible way. Just put
Remote in a category where they can compete against other assisted or
internet-supported transmissions (Remote, DX Cluster, Reverse Beacon
Netwerk, skimmers, CW-decoders etc).
Performance of Toni OH2UA did not get better just because he operated
Arcala's Azores station remote. He did a great job as always and what
we also should forget - he experimented with technical solutions, no
matter if internet was involved. All honours to Toni for the effort!
Again, what I do not personally like myself (remote operation from
other countries), might suit someone else. Do not try to limit it, but
put apples in bags of apples and not with bananas.
Develop contesting for pleasure of all - do not kill the joy!
73 de RA/SM6LRR, Mats
2012/4/14 Radio K0HB <kzerohb at gmail.com>:
> Mats, I think you're spot on.
> To quote a famous American ..... "Can't we just all get along?"
> 73, de Hans, K0HB/W7
> "Just a boy and his radio"
> --
> Sea stories at --------> http://k0hb.wordpress.com
> Superstition trails ---> http://oldslowhans.wordpress.com
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 2:31 AM, Mats Strandberg <sm6lrr at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I think the discussion is interesting from several aspects.
>> What is a little disappointing is that everyone seems to "know what is
>> right and wrong". This is perhaps normal because we all have different
>> views and expectations from contesting as such.
>> Technical development is inevitable. We need to adapt to the new
>> technologies that appear and not be resistant to new solutions.
>> However, and this is a VERY important aspect, to succeed to continue
>> growth of contesting (and improvement) - one must also understand that
>> not all of us are keen on introducing ALL new technology.
>> We generally today have two variants of contesting: Non-Assisted and Assisted.
>> This maybe satisfied the needs when DX-clusters first appeared.
>> Nowdays, so much more technique has been added and I think the time
>> has come to realize that contesting might need to change in the same
>> way as other competitive sports.
>> Take for instance cross-country skiing. When skating technicque
>> appeared, the conservative ones started screaming. The result became a
>> split in classic and skating diciplines. Ski-jumping is another sport
>> that completely changed due to introduction of V-configuration jumping
>> technique. In this case, the new technique eventually killed the old
>> because it was so much more sufficient. High Jumping was changed is a
>> similar way.
>> I would like to propose constructive new-thinking instead of throwing
>> pies and trying to defend that everyone is right and Paul (and others)
>> are wrong...
>> My idea is the following:
>> Ask yourself what type of contesting you prefer?
>> Assistance with Cluster, Skimmer, RBN or callsign databases in contest software?
>> Do you think that contesting should be completely separate from
>> internet and the only thing you accept is using the computer as a
>> logging software (and most likely also sending the CW for you)?
>> Do you think that Remote and all other new modern means is only positive?
>> My proposal is:
>> Vintage category: Homebrew or xx years old equipment operated with
>> straight key or non-memory keyer. The contesting for "the conservative
>> or proudly old-fashioned contester".
>> Classic catergory: You operate your station using a computer for
>> logging but NO Internet-related support such as DX Cluster and Reverse
>> Beacon Network. Local or remote skimmers have no place in this
>> category as well. Remote contesting is using internet or other
>> connection means, and is NOT allowed in the Classic Category of
>> contesting.
>> Assisted category is everything that involves internet support
>> (cluster, RBN), skimmers and callsign databases in software, CW
>> reception decoders.
>> Extreme category of contesting (everything is possible as long as it is fun).
>> Actually we could use this system for another benefit - namely to
>> create a platform for us who really wants to enforce power levels QRP,
>> LP and HP. In the Vintage and Classic categories we can add a
>> Gentlemen's Code that requires the operator to make a statement of
>> compliance for power levels according to the power class of the
>> contest.
>> Power cheaters should feel attracted to the Extreme category and those
>> of us that sometimes feel a little lazy... might from time to time
>> participate in the Assisted class.
>> New thinking needs to be introduced into contesting - not only when
>> adding technology, but also making sure that all categories of
>> contesters have their own little space in the sport.
>> 73 de RA/SM6LRR, Mats
>> 2012/4/11 Paul O'Kane <pokane at ei5di.com>:
>>> In the ARRL Contest Update for April 11, 2012 we read
>>> Radio Arcala team member Toni OH2UA was at the
>>> controls of CQ8X for a serious contest operation
>>> in the Azores for WPX SSB. That's not unusual.
>>> What was unusual is that the 4543 contacts were
>>> made over a remote link across the Internet -
>>> 4500 kilometers from the actual station! Remote
>>> operation is becoming more and more common. Big
>>> scores like CQ8X's 15 million points show that
>>> remoting can work well!"
>>> It's not surprising that remote control works well - it uses
>>> the internet! Nevertheless, it seems to me that if the only
>>> way you can have a "QSO" is to first connect to the internet,
>>> and stay connected, then, however you choose to describe it,
>>> the contact is at best some form of hybrid communications
>>> contact. Technical and personal considerations, no matter
>>> how impressive, how challenging or how deserving, cannot
>>> change this fact.
>>> By connecting to the internet, contesters abandon the
>>> communications independence that defines amateur radio -
>>> the independence that justifies our access to the bands.
>>> Remote control may be great fun, a significant technical
>>> challenge and a source of personal satisfaction, but none
>>> of this is relevant - and especially so in the context of
>>> contesting.
>>> Those who claim "it's the only way I can get on the air"
>>> deserve no sympathy. Those who do it to gain a competitive
>>> advantage deserve derision. Remote control serves only
>>> to undermine amateur radio by putting the wires back into
>>> wireless. It doesn't just devalue your contacts, it
>>> disqualifies them as amateur-radio QSOs. If you can't
>>> operate amateur radio, or be competitive, from where you
>>> are, then go to where you can.
>>> To those who enjoy being hybrid-communications amateurs,
>>> I say go ahead and have fun with remote control, but
>>> please not during contests - and don't misrepresent your
>>> contacts as amateur-radio QSOs. The way to promote
>>> amateur radio, and contesting in particular, is to
>>> demonstrate and celebrate its absolute independence as
>>> a communications mode.
>>> In tolerating remote control, contest organisers lose
>>> control.
>>> 73,
>>> Paul EI5DI
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