[CQ-Contest] Remote Control in Contests

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Sun Apr 15 07:46:59 PDT 2012

How do repeaters operate legally if the Control op must be located at 
the Transmitter?  Station control via remote means has been allowed at 
least in the USA for a long long time.

Mike W0MU

W0MU-1 CC Cluster w0mu.net

On 4/14/2012 1:41 PM, Barry Merrill wrote:
> I've considered operating EI/W5GN remotely, but:
> But is it LEGAL????
> For example, this statement in the CommReg (Irish FCC) rules, would seem
> to prevent me from operating EI/W5GN from Dallas, and I'm willing to wager
> that the same restrictions exist in all of the amateur rules, worldwide:
> "(n) the Licensee shall ensure that, save as may be required by law, access
> to,
> and use of, the Apparatus is restricted to the Licensee or persons operating
> under the direct supervision of the Licensee;"
> I doubt that CommReg would say that "direct supervision" could ever occur
> when I am not sitting in the station in Ireland.
> In addition, the remote station would be an UNATTENDED Station, and thus is
> NOT a "normal"
> licensed amateur station; most countries have additional restrictions on
> UNATTENDED stations,
> some requiring a redundant/independent method of control of the transmitter.
> Since DXCC credit requires proof of license, it would seem to me that any
> station who
> operates a remote station across country lines would have to prove they have
> that
> legal authority from the country from which the RF emanates; can Radio
> Arcala show they
> have a license for unattended operations as well as remote operation from
> another country?
> Barry, W5GN
> Herbert W. Barry Merrill, PhD
> President-Programmer
> Merrill Consultants
> 10717 Cromwell Drive
> Dallas, TX 75229-5112
> 214 351 1966 tel
> 214 350 3694 fax
> http://www.mxg.com
> barry at mxg.com
> MXG Support:   support at mxg.com
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