[CQ-Contest] A little section history

Jack Brindle jackbrindle at me.com
Thu Aug 9 22:41:14 PDT 2012


Even though the US handed over control of the Canal Zone in October 1979, the section still existed for Sweepstakes that year. The 1979 Sweepstakes was in fact the least year for the CZ section. I was operating from South Florida that year and missed a sweep by just one section - yup, CZ.

The 1979 Sweepstakes announcement was printed in the October, 1979 issue of QST. The article states that the sections listed on page 8 of that issue were part of the contest. As I recall, there were a few KZ5s on that year, although none showed up in my log. 


Jack Brindle, W6FB

On Aug 9, 2012, at 7:44 PM, Kenneth E. Harker wrote:

>     A while back, I began researching some of the changes made over the 
> years in the ARRL and Canadian sections used in the Sweepstakes (mostly 
> using the online QST archive at http://www.arrl.org/qst/).  I learned 
> quite a lot, but I still have some gaps in my timeline about when certain 
> changes were made.
>     The first "All-Section Sweepstakes" was held in 1930 and there were 68 
> sections.  In addition to the sections we know today, there were some 
> interesting differences.  Minnesota was orginally two sections - Northern 
> Minnesota and Southern Minnesota.  Utah and Wyoming were originally one
> section.  The Philippines were a section (part of the Pacific Division).  
> But the most interesting section was probably Georgia-South Carolina-Isle 
> of Pines.  The Isle of Pines is an island off the coast of Cuba (today 
> known as Isla de la Juventud or Isle of Youth).  After the Spanish-American 
> War was concluded in 1898, the sovereignty of the island remained in 
> dispute, claimed by both the United States and independent Cuba.  The 
> U.S. Senate ratified a treaty recognizing Cuban sovereignty over the 
> island in 1925.  I have no idea why the Isle of Pines was still being 
> used in the section name as of 1930.
>     Here are my notes for the last 40 years:
> 1 Jan 1973   Eastern Florida (EFL) deleted                            76
>             Western Florida (WFL) deleted
>             Northern Florida (NFL) created
>             Southern Florida (SFL) created
> 1 Oct 1979   Canal Zone (KZ5) deleted                                 76
> 1 Jan 1987   West Texas (WTX) created from counties previously        75
>             assigned to North Texas (NTX) and South Texas (STX)
> Aug(?) 1988  West Indies (WI) deleted                                 76
>             Puerto Rico (PR) section created
>             Virgin Islands (VI) section created
>             Guantanamo Bay assigned to Virgin Islands section
> 6 Feb 1989   Washington (WA) deleted                                  77
>             Eastern Washington (EWA) created
>             Western Washington (WWA) created
> 1 Jan 1996   Northern New York (NNY) created from counties            78
>             previously assigned to Western New York (WNY)
> 1 Apr 1996   Two counties (Herkimer and Otsego) assigned to           78
>             the newly-created Northern New York (NNY) section
>             are returned to the Western New York (WNY)
>             section
> 1 Jan 1998   Newfoundland-Labrador section (NL) created,              79
>             removing that province from the Maritimes (MAR)
>             section
> 15 Jan 2000  West Central Florida (WCF) created from counties         80
>             previously assigned to Northern Florida (NFL)
>             and Southern Florida (SFL)
> 12 Sep 2012  Ontario (ON) deleted                                     83
>             Greater Toronto Area (GTA) created
>             Ontario East (ONE) created
>             Ontario North (ONN) created
>             Ontario West (ONW) created
> -- 
> Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
> kenharker at kenharker.com
> http://www.kenharker.com/
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