[CQ-Contest] Log times wrong in WAECW

Art Boyars artboyars at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 00:04:52 EDT 2012

About 30 QSOs into my Saturday night start I noticed that the UTC in my
computer was off by an hour (probably because I had set it from my
about-50-yr-old Numechron, which I likely set wrong after one of our recent
power outages).  No problem to fix the log real time -- I used the logging
software's (CT) edit function to change the times of those first QSOs.

BUT...  I had already sent two or three QTCs with the wrong times.

If I submit my Cabrillo log, which now has the correct times, will the guys
who received those QTCs get dinged?

If I un-fix those times in my Cabrillo log, will that make it OK for the
QTC receivers, but will I get dinged for wrong QSO times (maybe even NIL)?

Should I just not submit the log?  My effort/score is small enough that I
won't feel a loss, but maybe I should be in the log-checkingdata base.

(BTW, I did do one log correction after the contest.  I worked "C8TEM", who
was acting like he was in Europe.  Later, I heard IC8TEM calling CQ,
sending his call more than once.  His VOX was cutting off the first few
bits.  Aha!  I made a note on a scrap of paper: "C8TEM is IC8TEM".  And I
fixed it in the CT log after the contest.)

73, Art K3KU

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