[CQ-Contest] K6SV (SK)

K6VVA - Rick cqtest99 at k6vva.com
Tue Aug 21 13:10:53 EDT 2012

It is with very deep sadness I report that our good friend George, K6SV,
passed away this morning and is now a Silent Key.

George was like the younger (and wiser) brother I never had. I will
personally miss our weekly or bi-monthly landline QSOs and all his help to
me over the past 6 or 7 years.  Thankfully, I was able to visit him in the
hospital about a week ago before he was moved to Hospice.

Your thoughts and prayers for George's family are appreciated.  Information
about public services for George will be forthcoming.

Ham radio, DX'ing and Contesting have lost a very, very good friend and


Rick, K6VVA * The Locust

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