[CQ-Contest] 2012 HiQP - All 3830 Claimed Scores 28Aug2012

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Tue Aug 28 11:11:21 EDT 2012

2012 HiQP - All 3830 Claimed Scores 28Aug2012

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Oct 1, 2012
E-mail logs to: awards at karc.net
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call                CWQ   PhQ   RYQ   PSQ   Mlt   hr      Score Club
In State SO CW LP
KN4Y                 6     0     0     0     5    15        120 SPORTSMAN'S PARADISE

Call                CWQ   PhQ   RYQ   PSQ   Mlt   hr      Score Club
In State SO Mixed HP
WH7Z(W0CN)           0  1314     0     0   101    15    258,468 PVRC

Call                CWQ   PhQ   RYQ   PSQ   Mlt   hr      Score Club
In State SO Mixed LP
W4HRC                0    20     0     0    10              430 TCG

Call                CWQ   PhQ   RYQ   PSQ   Mlt   hr      Score Club
Out of State SO CW LP
K7BX                23     0     0     0    17            1,428 
W9CF                 9     0     0     0     7              168 Arizona Outlaws Cont

Call                CWQ   PhQ   RYQ   PSQ   Mlt   hr      Score Club
Out of State SO Dig LP
N8HM                 0     0     1     0     1     1          5 PVRC

Call                CWQ   PhQ   RYQ   PSQ   Mlt   hr      Score Club
Out of State SO Mixed HP
N7NM                19    41     0     1    23     8      3,312 
W0RIC               11    42     1     3   132            3,300 Grand Mesa
AA7V                17    31     0     0    19            2,166 
VE6BMX               9    26     2     1    15            1,185 
K4BAI                5     9     0     0     9  0:57        324 SECC
K0IO                 4     2     0     0     6              106 
K4QE                 0    10     0     0     7   0.5         77 PVRC
KC0W                 8    17     0     0     0                1 

Call                CWQ   PhQ   RYQ   PSQ   Mlt   hr      Score Club
Out of State SO Mixed LP
K3FIV               15    35     1     0    21            2,520 NCCC
VE7CV               11    21     0     0    13              780 Orca DX and Contest 
K6CSL                3    19     0     0     9 11:00        638 NCCC
AE7VA                0    19     0     2     0              385 Arizona Outlaws Cont
N1EN                 3    10     0     0     8              216 YCCC
VE3UTT               2    13     0     0     9   .75        207 
W0PAN                0    12     0     0     0     1        161 Arizona Outlaws Cont
KD4VVC               0     9     1     0     7     1         98 TCG
K7FLI                0     1     0     0     0                1 Arizona Outlaws Cont

Call                CWQ   PhQ   RYQ   PSQ   Mlt   hr      Score Club
Out of State SO Mixed QRP
K6GHA                0    44     3     2    21    18      2,268 NCCC
KS4X                11    14     0     0    13              897 TCG


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