[CQ-Contest] down the path with Dave

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Sun Dec 2 10:29:59 EST 2012

> Charly, the only thing that Skimmer replaces is the physical act of tuning 
> the radio.

For me, the objectionable part of skimmer is the removal or lessening of 
operator skill. I equate it to using a code reader.  Local skimmer, used in 
single op, replaces the three acts of tuning the radio, copying the call, 
and entering the call in a data base. It gives the local station a form of 
automatic spotting system.

The local technical requirements of isolating the receiver from the 
transmitter are significant on lower bands with high power, but it is 
possible to do. A conventional SDR here overloaded badly from the 
transmitter on 160 meters, but I'm sure that could have been cured. On 80 
meters and up a local SDR here can get into noise floor without local 
transmitter problems. The result would be a window filled with locally 
generated "spots" that require no operator assistance.

I'm not saying this is good or bad, but it sure seems to be contrary to real 
single-op unassisted. With a low noise floor, a bandmap could fill with 
hundreds of useful locally generated spots. There isn't much difference 
between that and using a cluster.

73 Tom 

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