[CQ-Contest] down the path with Dave

Yuri Blanarovich k3bu at optimum.net
Sun Dec 2 19:01:29 EST 2012

On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 7:27 AM, Pete Smith N4ZR wrote:

> Charly, the only thing that Skimmer replaces is the physical act of 
> tuning the radio.  An operator still must copy the CW,. verify that he 
> is copying the station spotted (instead of the one adjacent to it), 
> copy the exchange, and send and receive verification of his exchange. 
> Moreover, a running station receives no assistance from CW Skimmer at 
> all.

What is skimmer skimming if not CQing, TESTing of running stations?

There should be difference of using Skimmer in one's own station vs. 
somebody elses, internet.
Triviliazing "assistance" is just one of the "ham logic".
Assisted by someone else is one thing, "assisting" by GADGETS at 
someone's own station is just another piece of gadgets, like keyers, 
Big difference in using own skimmer is that it works with own station 
and tends to spread out pileups, vs. networked that creates obscene 

But, consider we are overlooking biased rules, discriminatory scoring 3 
pts, "penalties" of 3 QSOs for someone elses errors, this is just 
another "unimportant" QRM.

Yuri. K3BU.us

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