[CQ-Contest] Croatian CW Contest - this weekend (15/16th December)

Kresimir Kovarik kreso at kreso.com
Tue Dec 11 04:23:32 EST 2012

Hello contesters.

Croatian amateur radio association (HRS) invites you to join 17th 9A CW
Contest which will be held during the weekend of 15/16th December 2012.

Good news are that finally there is no overlapping on 160m with Stew Perry
contest, so we expect much more fun in the contest.

All info regarding the contest is available on the web ->

This year, there will be about 30 plaques available to win for participants
outside of 9A. Choose your category and you can get one too.

You can find all previous results, search for any score using searchable
database where is possible to download your contest certificate in PDF
format too.

Direct link on the rules for this year:

Last year we received almost 800 logs, hope to see more this time.

CU in the contest.

Kresimir Kovarik - 9A5K
HRS HF manager

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