[CQ-Contest] which contests would require me to sign AA7XT/0

Richard Ferch ve3iay at storm.ca
Sat Dec 15 15:55:41 EST 2012

Call areas count as mults in WAEDC, but the rules specifically say that 
this is without regard for geographical location. On the other hand, 
there are several RTTY contests where call areas count as mults and 
where the contest rules state that you must use the suffix:
these include the BARTG contests (including the sprints), SARTG, and the 
two DRCG contests.

Rich VE3KI

N6ML wrote:

> Generally, in any contest where the call area counts as a multiplier,
> it seems to make sense that you should use the suffix. The WAEDC rules
> don't seem to explicitly require this, though, which I find a bit odd,
> personally....

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