[CQ-Contest] Log Submission Reminder - 1st VU International DX Contest

Prasad VU2PTT vu2ptt at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 02:33:25 EST 2012

This is a reminder that the logs for the 1st VU International DX Contest
are due for submission by December 20th, 2012. Kindly send in the logs at
the earliest.

Full details for sending in logs are in the rules at:

73 de Prasad VU2PTT
Contest & Awards Manager - ARSI

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Prasad VU2PTT <vu2ptt at gmail.com> wrote:

> All,
> This is a reminder about this contest today at 1200 UTC (1730 IST).
> The Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI) would like to invite you to
> participate in the VU International DX Contest today 1st December 2012.
> The detailed rules for the contest can be found here:
> http://arsi.info/contests/international/rules
> Resources supporting the contest like sample log sheets and a map of
> Indian States with 2-letter abbreviations used in this contest can be found
> here: http://arsi.info/contests/international/resources.
> Two major logging programs SD by EI5DI and N1MM Logger support this
> contest.
> Hope to hear you all in the contest and have fun.
> 73 de Prasad VU2PTT
> Contest & Awards Manager - ARSI

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