[CQ-Contest] The Stew Perry Contest- Dec 29/30 Notice #6

Lew Sayre w7ew at arrl.net
Fri Dec 28 22:40:27 EST 2012

TopBanders, BottomBanders and Everybody in Between,
        Within a few short hours the starting bell for the 17th Edition of
The Stew
Perry TopBand DX Challenge will sound. We do not fire off the ceremonial
anymore since the bail money for our leader was becoming substantial.
     Please drive your browser to   http://www.kkn.net/stew/  to review the
The rules are easy. The contest is easy. 14 hours of operating is easy.
     160 Meters however may be hard but that is what makes it all fun.
      Below are listed the plaques and their donors. Memorize this list or
come back later when you submit your entry to let us know which plaque you
operating the contest in an effort to win. Or just operate to have fun!
     If you see or meet any of these donors please thank them and offer to
buy them lunch
or a beverage or some other genuine act of gratitude. They deserve it.

Call                                              Category
KL7RA-          Top Number of QSOs
North Pole Contest Group- Some Stupendous Achievement as Judged by Club
W2GD Team-  Top # of NA+SA QSOs by EU Station
AA6VB-         Top Score Base Loaded Vertical < 60' tall
AA6VB-         Top Score Big City(>50K), Little Pistol(<100W)
K7CA-            Top Score Southern Hemisphere
K7CA-            Top Score JA
TF4M-            Longest QSO Hi Power- Both Ends gets plaques
TF4M-            Top Score Mobile( Must be truly mobile-not just portable)
W7RH-           Top Score S/O, Low Power, Zone 3
K7FL-             Top Score 100% Search and Pounce
N5IA-              Top # of Grids worked
K6ND-            K6SE Memorial- Top Score World
NA0Y-            Top Score USA
KR2Q-            Golden Log-Top # of Qs without a bust
KH6LC-          VK/ZL Challenge Top Score VK/ZL
WX7G            Top Score Utilizing Lamest Antenna, 50 Qs minimum
EI4HQ-           You might be Irish and not know it--Top # of calls in log
with E and I
                      side by side
TF3KX-            Aurora Borealis Award--Top Score N of 60 deg N
geomagnetic latitude
N0TT-             Top Score < 21 Y/O, > 200 Qs, USA
N2KW-           Speed Demon--Highest rate over 1 hour without a bust
W1FMR & K9JWV-  Top # of contacts by QRP Station
W0RI-             Top # of QSOs by Op > 70 years young
K1EP-           JZAP Memorial- Top Score by Station in NY or CA (W6)
K1DG-           Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Award--Highest Score from a
grid ending
                      in 42
N4NW-          Sandy Hook Elementary School Memorial--Top Score by
Educator, Staff,
                     or Full time Volunteer for K-12 Grade. Verification
KE3X-           Top Score from a city lot with all Tx and Rx located within
200' of transmitter.
                    Long Beverages Excluded. Top Score using single element
Tx antenna in
                    "L" or "T" configuration which is < 70' vertically
VK6VZ-         N. Hemisphere station that works the most S. Hemisphere
stations. Winner
                    receives coveted Flying Doctors of Australia cap rather
than plaque.

     If you are seized by the notion that a perfectly good category has not
been recognized then
let me know forthwith and we can still award your plaque next fall to the
       All of the various committees of The Boring Amateur Radio Club thank
the participants for
playing in this year's edition of The Stew Perry TopBand DX Challenge. If
you can get on
the air for a few minutes stolen from the various Holiday trappings we
think you'll be the better
person for it.
     73 and I remain,
   Lew   W7EW
   The Boring Amateur Radio Club Contest Caroler
  w7ew at arrl.net

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