[CQ-Contest] CQ WPX RTTY

Tim Urban urbanti at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 13:22:18 PST 2012

New RTTY op with 2 QSOs under his belt looking to participate in the the CQ contest on the 11th.

Hoping for any hints regarding how to get a decent # of QSO's with a G5RV wire antenna.

How much power it's necessary to run, etc.

Will use a K3 with FLDIGI, unless there is a strong reason to switch to another software package.  My interface is a USB Tigertronix with built in sound card, am triggering PTT using my COM1 port.

Anyone wanting to take this offline I can be reached at urbanti at gmail.com

73 and thanks in advance for any suggestions,


Sent from my iPad

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