[CQ-Contest] 2011 IOTA Contest Results

Don Field don.field at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 05:57:03 PST 2012

I am pleased to announce that the final results of the 2011 IOTA Contest
now appear on the web at
http://www.iotacontest.com/contest/iota/2011/finalScore.php  There will
soon also be a link via the RSGB Contest Committee website. I apologise
that these are somewhat later than in the past, due to a number of
distractions, such as my own involvement in the T32C expedition last
autumn. Hopefully normal service will be resumed in 2012! There are very
few changes since we published the provisional results - a handful of
category changes and we have also taken the opportunity to include a few
more late checklogs in the adjudication process in our aim of getting as
close as possible to checking 100% of QSOs.

You will find Soapbox, Photographs, etc. via the results page. A list of
trophy winners will be published shortly. Trophies are normally awarded at
the RSGB Convention (October) and, for those not able to attend, mailed
after that.

We are planning some rule changes for the 2012 contest to bring the
emphasis back to working island stations. Once we have finalised the rules
they will be posted on the RSGB Contest Committee website (www.rsgbcc.org)
and we will also mail all previous entrants with details.

My thanks, as always, to those who have helped in producing the contest
results, especially Marios 5B4WN/G0WWW for his adjudication software and
Jim MM0BQI for working through many thousands of contacts that could not be
adjudicated automatically, as well as taking care of certificates. Also to
John G3LZQ for his work with the trophies, and to those who typed up paper
logs (far fewer this year, thankfully!).

IOTA Contest Manager

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