[CQ-Contest] Isn't the contest over?

Gary K9GS garyk9gs at wi.rr.com
Thu Feb 23 16:09:17 PST 2012

I worked a few stations sending a S/N too....I just logged what they 
sent (001!)

On 2/23/2012 12:49 PM, Zack Widup wrote:
> I know it's supposed to be a representation of the power you're using, but
> again, isn't it just a number to be copied correctly by the recipient?
> If the wrong number was sent, and people copied it correctly, shouldn't
> that be adequate as far as the logging station's log goes? And if this
> station had just let it slide, would anyone know the difference? (Unless of
> course he's entering a different power class than what he sent. But that's
> between him and the contest sponsors to figure out, not the stations who
> logged him.)
> I worked a station that was sending serial numbers in the contest instead
> of power. He sent me a "33" where the power should go. I heard him work the
> next station up about a kHz and he sent "34" to him. Again, if I copied the
> "33" correctly, it shouldn't affect my score.
> 73, Zack W9SZ
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Tree<tree at kkn.net>  wrote:
>> Seems there is a station sending out e-mails asking people to correct his
>> exchange for the ARRL DX Contest.  Seems that perhaps the power he sent was
>> too high.
>> I am AMAZED that anyone in radiosport thinks this is a good idea.  A ham
>> radio contest is supposed to be all about a two way exchange of information
>> on the radio.  If you sent a certain power level during the contest - that
>> is the "correct" thing for people to have logged.
>> Anyone who feels that the internet is part of this game should be DQ'd.
>> The contest ended last Sunday.
>> If you get such an e-mail - I encourage you to do two things:
>> - not make the change.  The log checker will notice what most people
>> logged.
>> - use this as an opportunity to educate the person sending you the e-mail
>> 73 Tree N6TR
>> tree at kkn.net
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Gary K9GS

Check out K9NS on the web:  http://www.k9ns.com
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