[CQ-Contest] New, Improved RBN Aggregator Available

Pete Smith N4ZR n4zr at contesting.com
Thu Jan 19 05:46:26 PST 2012

A new Aggregator, version 2.01 has just been publicly released, and can 
be downloaded from 
<http://www.reversebeacon.net/genn.php?a=aggregator>.  It adds a number 
of features that will enhance the RBN's performance in upcoming CW 
contests.  Full details at 

73, Pete N4ZR
The World Contest Station Database, updated daily at www.conteststations.com
The Reverse Beacon Network at http://reversebeacon.net, blog at reversebeacon.blogspot.com,
spots at telnet.reversebeacon.net, port 7000 and
arcluster.reversebeacon.net, port 7000

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