[CQ-Contest] NAQP SSB Practice Friday nite, suggested frequencies

Ken Keeler kenkeeler at jazznut.com
Thu Jan 19 22:46:30 PST 2012

NCCC welcomes you all to check out your voice keyers, loggers, 
antennas, etc. on Friday nite in NA; Jan. 14, 0230-0300Z.
Full NAQP rules apply with new suggested rally frequencies on 80 and 40m.

Two years ago, thanks to ARRL/IARU, new privileges in the phone bands 
were granted US ops on 80 and 40m.  The contest managers for the NAQP 
and NAS, and even ARRL SS, still insist on suggested center/rally 
frequencies in the 'old' portions of the bands (7225, 3850), in the 
middle of anti-contest PF country above 3800 and broadcast carriers 
still present above 7200.  Why do we subject ourselves to the hassle 
of these band segments?  I suggest we move out of the clutter, while 
still encouraging participation by General Class ops.  Maybe the 
contest coordinators will eventually adopt new suggested frequencies 
in their contest announcements.

So, let's try:

40m:  In the real NAQP Saturday:  7150-7200
           Friday practice:   CENTER RALLY FREQ:  7185  PLUS OR MINUS 10 khz.

80m:  Real NAQP:  3750-3820  Avoid DX window
           Friday practice:    3810    PLUS OR MINUS 10 KHZ.

Or, suggest better ideas?

Radio Oakley will be Multi-2 as NR6O.  CU Friday and Saturday.

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