[CQ-Contest] CQ160 IARU R1 reminder

Andy Blank andyn2nt at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 08:57:42 PST 2012

The CQ 160 Meter Contest is fast approaching this weekend.

Please remember to observe all rules pertaining to your country regarding
frequency and power limits.
The power limit for ALL stations is of course 1500 Watts.
Please check your signals for clicks, etc. It is unfair to everyone else to
have a wide signal, and could be grounds
for disqualification.

In IARU Region 1 the band begins at 1810 khz.
A copy of the bandplan can be found here:

Also a PDF showing country by country allocations is attached.
This sheet is not guaranteed to be up to date, but is a good guideline.

The complete rules for the CQ160 Contest can be found here:

Check the plaques tab for this year's trophies. Some trophies are not
sponsored yet.
If you are interested in sponsoring a trophy please send us a note to
andyn2nt at gmail.com or Dougk1dg at gmail.com

Remember to please spread out! Plenty of room at the high end too.

Most of all have fun!

73, Andy N2NT
Director CQ160 Contest

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