[CQ-Contest] UBA DX Contest SSB this weekend

Marc - ON7SS - OO9O on7ss.oo9o at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 14:23:06 PST 2012

Don't forget the UBA Contest this weekend.

Rules at http://www.uba.be/en/hf/contest-rules/uba-dx-contest-rules
Cabrfillo template here 

A review of the 2011 contest here 

Pay attention on the deadline for the logs.  they have to be send within 
3 weeks after the contest.
Late logs will be treated as checklog.

Remeber, if you make some contacts, we greatly apriciate your log.  It 
will help us to do a better logchecking.

73 es gl in the contest

Marc, ON7SS - OO9O
UBA HF Contest Manager



*uba logoAmateur Radio Station*

*ON7SS - OO9O*

*Marc Domen*

*UBA HF Contest Manager*

http://www.uba.be <http://www.uba.be/>

http://www.on7ss.be <http://www.on7ss.be/>

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