[CQ-Contest] WPX SSB/CW 2012 Claimed Scores

Filipe Lopes ct1ilt at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 11:59:22 PDT 2012

Apparently rule number *XV. Deadline: *is special for some people......* *and
doesnt need to taken into account....*

*Next year I am going to submit my CQ WPX Logs 2 weeks after deadline and
will see what happens....

Filipe Lopes
2012/7/2 Randy Thompson K5ZD <k5zd at charter.net>

> Claimed scores for both modes of the WPX Contest 2012 have been updated to
> include all logs received. This will be the final version of the claimed
> scores.
> SSB: http://www.cqwpx.com/claimed.htm?mode=ph
> CW: http://www.cqwpx.com/claimed.htm?mode=cw
> Please confirm your score is included and report any category or other
> errors to me. (Note that Checklogs are not included in the claimed scores.)
> New records for log submissions on both modes.  5,362 logs on SSB and 4,297
> on CW.  Still a chance for a few more paper logs on CW.
> 73
> Randy Thompson, K5ZD
> Director - CQ WPX Contest
> email: k5zd at cqwpx.com
> web: www.cqwpx.com
> facebook: www.facebook.com/cqwpx
> _______________________________________________
> CQ-Contest mailing list
> CQ-Contest at contesting.com
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Filipe Lopes CT1ILT aka CR6K

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