[CQ-Contest] WRTC-2014 Qualification Standings - Updated

K1to at aol.com K1to at aol.com
Mon Jul 9 19:56:13 PDT 2012

The latest official published contest results are now posted at 
With this release, 27 qualifying events are now included, roughly 1/2 of  
the 55 total events.  
Updates included since the last posting are:
- SS SSB 2011
- NAQP CW Jan 2012
- NAQP SSB Jan 2012
- NA Sprint CW Feb 2012
- ARRL DX CW 2012
Several other updates:
- For the 2011 NAQPs and NA Sprint, only the better score is now shown  
since the qualifying criteria only allow one score per year.
- AA DX 2011 is updated with operator information that was posted to the  
JARL site after the last release.
- ARRL DX 2011 Single-Band scores were incorrectly calculated using a power 
 multiplier for non HP entrants and have been corrected in this release.  
One clarification:
- WRTC-2014 Directors are not eligible to qualify as a Team Leader (or Team 
 Mate), although their scores are still posted.
36 qualifying events have now taken place, which means that you still have  
19 more events in which to operate and move up in the standings!
GL this coming weekend in the IARU HF which is a 900-point event!  
73, Dan, K1TO
WRTC-2014 Team Selection Director

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